About Health Philosophe

Dear Readers,

Welcome to Health Philosophe! I’m grateful you’re here. My mission through this website is to simplify the science behind wellness and longevity to enable everyone to live their healthiest, most fulfilling lives.

I am an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) with a background in exercise physiology and programming, metabolism, and competition training. I have developed exercise programs for individuals, taught small group fitness classes, and competed in various disciplines, including road races and obstacle course racing. I competed in the 2019 Spartan Trifecta World Championship in Sparta, Greece and am always searching for my next competitive challenge.

I have been exercising in various forms for nearly 20 years and have firsthand experience with numerous nutritional frameworks and practices, including intermittent fasting/time restricted feeding (IF/TRF), Whole30, Vegetarianism, Macro Tracking (IIFYM, “If It Fits Your Macros”) and Flexible Dieting. I feel strongly about nutrition serving as a key pillar to support long-term health and wellness and often discover new products, molecules, or approaches I hope to share through this website.

My day job is as a health industry consultant, working primarily with pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients to help them achieve various corporate endeavors. It is through this work that I also seek to provide a perspective in navigating the US healthcare system, in all its flaws and frustrations. I am passionate about empowering others to understand the nuances of the system and capitalize on its benefits in a cost-conscious manner.

Last, my writing is part anecdote, part theoretical or philosophical (hence “Philosophe”). My goal is to provide information based on personal experience in a way that is relatable and enables you to immediately start applying takeaways or principles to your life. At the same time, there are many unknowns waiting to be explained, and as such this site is a platform for curiosity, discourse, and discovery, so please don’t be shy to join the conversation in the comment section.

You can sign up for my free private newsletter, where I share perspective on current happenings in the health and wellness industry, ideas or solicitations for upcoming articles, and more.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the Health Philosophe blog and newsletter! Health Philosophe was born out of a desire to simplify complex topics in health, wellness and longevity to a format that is relatable, understandable, and immediately applicable to everyday life.

My mission is to not only provide first-hand experience and perspective from my 15+ years in the health and fitness industry, but also to outline a framework for others to define their unique Health Philosophy.

My Story


In 2005, the at-home fitness program P90X (short for Power 90 Extreme) had just been released. P90X’s claim to fame was that it would “get you ripped in 90 days.”

At the time, I had little understanding of what exercise was, much less how to do it. But as an introverted 13-year-old, this aspiration seemed like the perfect way to level up my social status, so I fired up the first workout and dove in. Despite the aftermath of crippling total body muscle soreness that lasted days to weeks, I was hooked.

To fuel my “gains“, I started experimenting with food and the various nutritional theories prevalent at the time; high protein, low carb, and low fat seemed to be the diet du jour back in those days. As a result, Egg “Mock-Muffins” (microwaved egg whites and turkey bacon over an English muffin) became the breakfast of choice I prepared for the family on our way to work and school.


Throughout high school, college, and into my early 20’s, my goal remained the same: lift progressively more weight to get as strong as possible. Unsurprisingly, this lifestyle required increasing amounts of food and time in the gym. At a certain point, it became unsustainable. As a full-time professional working in the financial services industry, I no longer had all the time in the world to train, meal prep, and recover properly.

Over the course of my 20’s, I still cycled through phases where I focused on building muscle, but a newfound curiosity for other types of training emerged. I adopted running and participated in numerous road races, took group fitness classes such as boot camp and hot yoga, found community in groups like The November Project, and reached peaks I didn’t know possible by competing in the Spartan Trifecta World Championship in 2019.

Nutritionally, I experimented with macro tracking (IIFYM or “if it fits your macros”), Whole30, vegetarianism, intermittent fasting/time restricted feeding, and numerous supplements from protein to fish oil to vitamins. It was fascinating to learn about the importance of nutrition to overall health, but it was just as confusing to attempt to weed through conflicting research and navigate what felt like religious or political ideologies. Unfortunately, little has changed since then and nutrition remains a field with strongly held beliefs, but little definitive evidence to show for them.


After more than 15 years of experimenting, I obtained my Certified Personal Trainer accreditation from the American Council on Exercise in 2020, passing the exam one week before surgery to repair left shoulder inflammation. Staring down a 3-6 month recovery process and physical therapy, for the first time in my life I had to find another outlet that didn’t involve exercise.

Confined by my injury and the COVID-19 pandemic, I discovered new disciplines within health and wellness. Intellectual and cognitive stimulation replaced physical exertion, my fascination with nutritional biochemistry was born, and I learned what mental unhealth felt like. I also started writing, which I believe provides its own, unexpected health benefits.

Today, Health Philosophe is the culmination of nearly 20 years of firsthand experience in health and wellness, including fitness, nutrition and lifestyle components. These concepts are applied in my pursuit of longevity, or the desire to live the longest, healthiest, most fulfilling life possible.

Why Read Health Philosophe?

Health Philosophe recognizes that there is no one ‘right’ approach to wellness and longevity. We all have biases, varying access to resources such as healthy ingredients or gym memberships, and differing life circumstances that promote or inhibit our pursuit of health. Rather than provide a prescription for “how to be healthy,” instead my writing seeks to simplify complex scientific topics by leveraging everyday examples and musings, and transforming them into actionable information that helps you create and live your unique Health Philosophy.

My Story


In 2005, the at-home fitness program P90X (short for Power 90 Extreme) had just been released. P90X’s claim to fame was that it would “get you ripped in 90 days.”

At the time, I had little understanding of what exercise was, much less how to do it. But as an introverted 13-year-old, this aspiration seemed like the perfect way to level up my social status, so I fired up the first workout and dove in. Despite the aftermath of crippling total body muscle soreness that lasted days to weeks, I was hooked.

To fuel my “gains“, I started experimenting with food and the various nutritional theories prevalent at the time; high protein, low carb, and low fat seemed to be the diet du jour back in those days. As a result, Egg “Mock-Muffins” (microwaved egg whites and turkey bacon over an English muffin) became the breakfast of choice I prepared for the family on our way to work and school.


Throughout high school, college, and into my early 20’s, my goal remained the same: lift progressively more weight to get as strong as possible. Unsurprisingly, this lifestyle required increasing amounts of food and time in the gym. At a certain point, it became unsustainable. As a full-time professional working in the financial services industry, I no longer had all the time in the world to train, meal prep, and recover properly.

Over the course of my 20’s, I still cycled through phases where I focused on building muscle, but a newfound curiosity for other types of training emerged. I adopted running and participated in numerous road races, took group fitness classes such as boot camp and hot yoga, found community in groups like The November Project, and reached peaks I didn’t know possible by competing in the Spartan Trifecta World Championship in 2019.

Nutritionally, I experimented with macro tracking (IIFYM or “if it fits your macros”), Whole30, vegetarianism, intermittent fasting/time restricted feeding, and numerous supplements from protein to fish oil to vitamins. It was fascinating to learn about the importance of nutrition to overall health, but it was just as confusing to attempt to weed through conflicting research and navigate what felt like religious or political ideologies. Unfortunately, little has changed since then and nutrition remains a field with strongly held beliefs, but little definitive evidence to show for them.


After more than 15 years of experimenting, I obtained my Certified Personal Trainer accreditation from the American Council on Exercise in 2020, passing the exam one week before my first and only surgery to repair left shoulder inflammation. Staring down a 3-6 month recovery process and physical therapy, for the first time in my life I had to find another outlet that didn’t involve exercise.

Confined by my injury and the COVID-19 pandemic, I discovered new disciplines within health and wellness. Intellectual and cognitive stimulation replaced physical exertion, my fascination with nutritional biochemistry was born, and I learned what mental unhealth felt like. I also started writing, which I believe provides its own, unexpected health benefits.

Today, Health Philosophe is the culmination of nearly 20 years of firsthand experience in health and wellness, including fitness, nutrition and lifestyle components. These concepts are applied in my pursuit of longevity, or the desire to live the longest, healthiest, most fulfilling life possible.

Why Read Health Philosophe?

Health Philosophe recognizes that there is no one ‘right’ approach to wellness and longevity. We all have biases, varying access to resources such as healthy ingredients or gym memberships, and differing life circumstances that promote or inhibit our pursuit of health. Rather than provide a prescription for “how to be healthy,” instead my writing seeks to simplify complex scientific topics by leveraging everyday examples and musings, and transforming them into actionable information that helps you create and live your unique Health Philosophy.